In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 45 of February 1, 2017, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 768-p of April 22, 2017, the to FSUE "Scientific and Tecnical Center of The Defence Complex "Kompas" is the successor of the FSUE "All-Russian Research Institute of Interindustry Information – a Federal Information and Analytical Centre of the Defense Industry", assuming all the rights and responsibilities for the publication of five Scientific Editions:

The interindustry scientific and technical journal
("Oboronnyj kompleks - naucno-tehniceskomu progressu Rossii")

The interindustry scientific and technical journal

The scientific and practical journal
("Voprosy zaŝity informacii")

The interindustry scientific and practical journal
("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")
Publications editions reflect the structure, trends and challenges of the modern defense industry, enhance the effectiveness of interindustry exchange of scientific and technical information, promotion, and accelerate the introduction of the latest achievements and developments of Russian scientists, as well as serve as a communication platform for the discussion of current issues of the industry, and at the same time are an effective source of information for people directly makers in the field of technical and investment policy of the defense industry.
All scientific editions are published more than 30 years:
- including the decisions of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals, which should be published the main results of theses for the degree of candidate and doctoral degrees;
- represented in the subscription catalog of the Russian Universal Scientific Electronic Library (RUSEL) (, where you can get electronic versions of journal issues, as well as individual articles from 2005 to the current time;
- metadata issues editions FSUE "Scientific and Tecnical Center of The Defence Complex "Kompas" during the same time period included in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
More detailed information on thematic focus editions, editorial staff and abstracts of articles can be found on this site in a special section of each journal.
Also on this site are available in open access article journal issues for 2003 - 2018 years in electronic format PDF, paid access contains articles for 2019 - 2023 years electronically in PDF.
You can create order from you are interested in articles and journal issues in his personal account and then pay for it through payment service Robokassa.
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We offer you cooperation with the editors of editions FSUE "Scientific and Tecnical Center of The Defence Complex "Kompas" for placement on the pages of our scientific publications on a regular basis:
- Thematic research papers executives, leading researchers, developers, graduate and doctoral students of your company;
- The results of ongoing research, development and ongoing projects, as well as problems that occur in daily business operations and approaches to their solution;
- Reports and speeches held by you of scientific and technical conferences, seminars, etc.;
- Other relevant information for you, corresponding to the thematic focus of editions.
We also offer an editorial issue subscription for 2025 on our publications in accordance with the core business and with the section of science and technology interests of your company.