ФГУП “НТЦ оборонного комплекса “Компас”


SCIENTIFIC AND INFORMATION EDITIONS OF FSUE “The Scientific and Technical Center of the Defense Complex “Kompas” The scientific and methodical journal

  • “Interindustry information service” (IIS) ("Mežotraslevaâ informacionnaâ služba") ceases to be published, starting from the 2nd issue of 2016


    • The last issue (No 4. 2015) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 3. 2015) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 2. 2015) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 1. 2015) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 4. 2014) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The last issue (No 3. 2014) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our website, on the problems of commercialization of the results of intellectual activity, created during the implementation of federal target programs, which were discussed at the round table at the IV International Forum "Marine Industry of Russia", held May 21, 2014 in Moscow.

    • The issue (No 2. 2014) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 1. 2014) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 4. 2013) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 3. 2013) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 2. 2013) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.

    • The issue (No 1. 2013) of the journal “INTERINDUSTRY INFORMATION SERVICE” came out and is presented in electronic form on our site.


    • Chief Editor EVSTAFEV V.F.

      Dear readers! We are glad to welcome you on the site of our journal!



    The scientific and methodical journal