Since its inception, the edition is aimed at ensuring the effective operation of information in the field of research and development in order to ensure the progressive development of the defense and other high-tech industries.
Taking into account the changes of government priorities, of which the particular importance of the problem of modernization of the defense-industrial complex of Russia, building the information society, as well as Russia's entry into the global information society, the edition expands the thematic coverage of published material.
Among the major categories:
- · Information technology in the defense-industrial complex
- · Intellectual property in the defense-industrial complex
- · Virtual Engineering
- · Information society
- · Informational resources
- · Theory and Methodology
- · Economics and Management
- · General questions
and others.
To the list of topics of scientific specialties HAC defining themes of published materials include "Computer science, computer facilities and management", "Documentary Information", as well as specialty, directly or indirectly involved in the creation, development and use of modern information technology.
In addition to traditional scientific and methodological information are published scientific and popular articles, news coverage, official information and reference information.