The Chief editor of
The scientific and methodical journal
Vladimir Fedorovich Evstafyev
– the doctor of technical sciences, professor, Head of Department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VIMI", member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, corresponding member of the International Informatization Academy, the author of over 170 scientific papers, 14 monographs, 2 military-scientific papers, 16 patents, 18 tutorials for universities. He has extensive research experience in the field of the national defense and security.
The main scientific results
In the field of scientific information activity:
scientific substantiation, the formation and management of the Russian Defense Ministry military-scientific information system, the scientific justification of the development of the national information system of technical and innovative activity of Russia and its practical implementation in the field of defence-industrial complex.
In the field of states' rights on the intellectual activity results of military, special and dual-purpose:
the formation of science-based institutional mechanisms of rights management, the development of scientific and methodological apparatus of protection orders and the involvement of intellectual property into economic circulation, improving the patent and licensing activity defense and national security.