ФГУП “НТЦ оборонного комплекса “Компас”


SCIENTIFIC AND INFORMATION EDITIONS OF FSUE “The Scientific and Technical Center of the Defense Complex “Kompas” The interindustry scientific and practical journal
("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")


    Recommendations for Authors

    The studies presented in the publication should be relevant, well-founded and well-planned. The publication should list all sources of data and methods used by the authors in obtaining and analyzing data. Before using large fragments of text or drawings from other publications, you must first obtain permission from the authors.


    On the first place in the list of authors should be the persons who made a decisive contribution to the planning, organization and carrying out of the research, data analysis and writing of the report, and not the executor who performed data collection and other mechanical work. All authors should be responsible for the content of the publication.


    Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the information contained in the study.

    The reviewer does not have the right to copy the article and must return the original to the editor.

    Reviewers and editors can use the data obtained during the research, as well as the authors' conclusions only with their permission.

    Reviewers should quickly submit an accurate and valid review, written in a polite manner and not containing systematic errors.

    If the reviewers doubt the integrity of the authors, they should confidentially and in writing notify the editor about it.

    About duplicate publications

    It is inadmissible to publish articles in several magazines containing the same materials, but without complete mutual references.

    After publication of the results of the research in the form of abstracts in the materials of the conference, the research materials can be submitted to the editorial office of the journal, informing about the previous publication.

    When submitting articles to the journal, authors should accompany it with a list of literature on the relevant topics.

    If serious errors are found in the published article, then the editorial board is obliged to publish corrections as quickly as possible and to draw the readers' attention to this.


    The interindustry scientific and practical journal
    ("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")