ФГУП “НТЦ оборонного комплекса “Компас”


SCIENTIFIC AND INFORMATION EDITIONS OF FSUE “The Scientific and Technical Center of the Defense Complex “Kompas” The interindustry scientific and practical journal
("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")


    The journal's policy is determined by the main goals and objectives of ensuring the environmental safety of production activities:

    1. Development and introduction of the newest technologies that make it possible to implement the opportunities for preventing environmental violations in lieu of the system of assessments "at the end of the pipe" adopted in our country and appropriate repressive measures;

    2. "Saving the people", i.e. elimination of the causes of endemic micro elemental morbidity of the population and its premature mortality, prevention of natural and man-made disasters and development of systems for assessing and compensating environmental damage by private companies and authorities;

    3. Appropriate improvement of the regulatory and legislative framework, providing for a balanced interaction of the triad "science - business - power" and increasing the ecological culture of production and production relations.

    At the present time and in the near future, there is a clear need for accelerated ecologization of industries with a balance between environmental requirements and commercial interests of enterprises, which in world practice is ensured by their innovative development through the use of new environmentally-based technologies.

    "Savings of the people" provides for the use of integrated geo-ecological assessments of residential and industrial areas, water areas and areas of specific enterprises, as well as technologies that ensure their maximum greening.

    The most promising way to ensure a balanced interaction between "science - business - government" is provided for corporate development and joint implementation of the National Project "Ecologization and Innovative Development of Russian Production" with the necessary Federal Target Programs (FTP).


    The interindustry scientific and practical journal
    ("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")