ФГУП “НТЦ оборонного комплекса “Компас”


SCIENTIFIC AND INFORMATION EDITIONS OF FSUE “The Scientific and Technical Center of the Defense Complex “Kompas” The interindustry scientific and practical journal
("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")

  • 13.12.2019
    THE  ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL (No 4. 2019)
    Journal name INDUSTRIAL  ECOLOGY
    ISSN 2073-2589  Data 4 quarter 2019
    Volume Issue 4
    Page 1-52 Articles number 11
    C O N T E N T S
    N Article name Page 
    1 Possibility of using aluminum-containing waste as a raw component for the production of alumina and high alumina cement
           MARTYNOVA A. A.     (JSC "Research Institute of Polymer Materials"; Perm National Research Polytechnic University)
           BATRAKOVA G. M.     (Perm National Research Polytechnic University)
           PONIK A. N.     (JSC "Research Institute of Polymer Materials")
    2-5 
    2 Technology comparasion of fly and bottom ash treatment. Definition of indicators of comparison
           SHUBOV L. Ya.     (FSAB Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center)
           SCOBELEV K. D.     (FSAB Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center)
           DORONKINA I. G.     (FSAB Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center)
           ZAGORSKAYA D. A.     (FSAB Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center)
    6-12 
    3 Application of broken brick and polymer waste for the production of construction composite material
           TORLOVA A. S.     (Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs)
           VITKALOVA I. A.     (Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs)
           PIKALOV E. S.     (Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs)
           SELIVANOV O. G.     (Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs)
    13-18 
    4 The problems of disposing of plastic packaging materials
           KOLTSOV V. B.     (Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education NIU MIET, Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies)
           BEREZINA N. V.     (Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education NIU MIET, Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies)
           GOLOVLEV A. A.     (Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education NIU MIET, Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies)
    19-24 
    5 The use of flotation coal sludge in the production of porous aggregate on the basis of liquid glass
           ABDRAKHIMOV V. Z.     (Samara State University of Economics)
    25-29 
    6 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of the sorbent "Bentonite" in the composition of bulk soil to prevent the penetration of diesel fuel into the depths
           MASSOLD A. V.     (FAE "The 25th State research Institute of Himmotology of Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation")
           BORISOV I. A.     (FAE "The 25th State research Institute of Himmotology of Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation")
           DUMBOLOV Dzh. U.     (FAE "The 25th State research Institute of Himmotology of Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation")
           EFREMOVA L. Yu.     (FAE "The 25th State research Institute of Himmotology of Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation")
    30-32 
    7 The best available fuel combustion technologies in tubular oil and gas furnaces as priority ways to improve their environmental safety
           KATIN V. D.     (Far Eastern State Transport University)
           KOSYGIN V. Yu.     (Far Eastern State Transport University; Computing Center of the Far-Eastern Branch of RAS)
           BORZEEV I. Ya.     (Far Eastern State Transport University)
    33-36 
    8 Introduction of process of spent ion-exchange resins treatment and conditioning for their long-term storage
           KULIKOV K. N.     (AO NIPTB Onega)
           BOGDANOV G. A.     (AO NIPTB Onega)
           SOSNINA Ju. N.     (AO NIPTB Onega)
           MOTYZHENKOVA E. A.     (AO NIPTB Onega)
           PIANKOVA E. N.     (AO NIPTB Onega)
           AMOSOV A.G.     (JSC SC Zvezdochka)
    37-40 
    9 Application of neural networks for treating biomonitoring data of pollution
           YANNIKOV I. M.     (Izhevsk State Technical University named after Mikhail Kalashnikov)
           TELEGINA M. V.     (Izhevsk State Technical University named after Mikhail Kalashnikov)
           KUZNETSOV N. P.     (Izhevsk State Technical University named after Mikhail Kalashnikov)
    41-44 
    10 Modeling and monitoring the biological risks of the modern city
           LUTSENKO A. N.     (Far Eastern State Transport University)
           KOSYGIN V. Yu.     (Far Eastern State Transport University; Computing Center of the Far-Eastern Branch of the RAS)
           KOSHKINA V. A.     (Khabarovsk Regional Veterinary Laboratory)
    45-48 
    11 Properties of plates and porous filler of cellular glass on the basis of ash and slag waste for energy-saving three-layer panels
           SMOLIY V. A.     (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University)
           KOSAREV A. S.     (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University)
           YATSENKO E. A.     (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University)
    49-52 

    The interindustry scientific and practical journal
    ("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")