ФГУП “НТЦ оборонного комплекса “Компас”


SCIENTIFIC AND INFORMATION EDITIONS OF FSUE “The Scientific and Technical Center of the Defense Complex “Kompas” The interindustry scientific and practical journal
("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")

  • 22.09.2023
    THE  ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL (No 3. 2023)
    Journal name INDUSTRIAL  ECOLOGY
    ISSN 2073-2589  Data 3 quarter 2023
    Volume Issue 3
    Page 1-67 Articles number11
    C O N T E N T S
    N Article name Page 
    1 Impact of wood ash and polymer waste on the properties of thermal insulation composite material
           AKIMOVA A. S.     (Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs)
           FILIPPOVA L. S.     (Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs)
           PIKALOV E. S.     (Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs)
    2-7 
    2 Geoecological assessment of drill cuttings and method of their disposal
           GAEVAYA E. V.     (Tyumen Industrial University)
    8-12 
    3 On the use of microscopic fungi to assess the toxicity and extraction of rare earth metals from loparite ore processing waste
           SHUMILOV O. I.     (Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Center RAS)
           KASATKINA E. A.     (Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Center RAS)
           KIRTSIDELI I. Yu.     (Komarov Botanical Institute RAS)
           MAKAROV D. V.     (Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Center RAS)
    13-18 
    4 Wastewater treatment from microplastics with a study of the nature and properties of pollution
           RUSANOVA K. R.     (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
           KSENOFONTOV B. S.     (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
           BONDARENKO A. V.     (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
    19-27 
    5 Characteristics of the negative manifestations of trinitrin when contained in the water of reservoirs
           MASLENNIKOV A. A.     (FSUE "Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology and Occupational Pathology" at Federal Medical and Biological Agency)
           DEMIDOVA S. A.     (FSUE "Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology and Occupational Pathology" at Federal Medical and Biological Agency)
           YAHYAEVA M. H.     (FSUE "Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology and Occupational Pathology" at Federal Medical and Biological Agency)
           NOVIKOVA O. N.     (FSUE "Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology and Occupational Pathology" at Federal Medical and Biological Agency)
    28-32 
    6 Analysis of the overburden leaching process as an additional source of some ions entering quarry wastewater
           BELYAEVA O. V.     (Kemerovo State University)
           GORA N. V.     (Kemerovo State University)
           GORELKINA A. K.     (Kemerovo State University)
           GOLUBEVA N. S.     (Kemerovo State University)
           IVANOVA L. A.     (Kemerovo State University)
    33-36 
    7 Ecological and economic aspects of the "Krasny Bor" landfill closure in the context of a closed-cycle economy
           PAKINA А. А.     (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
           CYMBAL M. N.     (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
           SHLANDAKOVA S. D.     (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
    37-42 
    8 Regional system of accounting and control of greenhouse gases based on geoinformation technologies at the carbon landfill of the A. A. Kadyrov Chechen State University
           BULAEVA N. M.     (Chechen State University named after A. A. Kadyrov)
           BEKMURZAYEVA R. H.     (Chechen State University named after A. A. Kadyrov)
           GADZHIKHANOV A. S.     (Chechen State University named after A. A. Kadyrov)
    43-47 
    9 Theory and practice of environmental monitoring of industrial enterprises. A modern look
           DEMIDYUK V. V.     (Fsue "State Scientific-research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology" State Research Сеntеr of the Russian Federation)
    48-53 
    10 Analysis of global trends in reducing the environmental load when using mobile energy facilities in public utilities, road construction and agriculture
           STAROSTIN I. A.     (Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM)
           OVCHINNIKOV E. V.     (Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM)
           ESHCHIN A. V.     (Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM)
    54-60 
    11 Water-ecological research and forecast of river water quality by fuzzy logic methods
           ROSENTAL O. M.     (Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
           FEDOTOV V. KH.     (I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University)
    61-67 

    The interindustry scientific and practical journal
    ("Èkologiâ promyšlennogo proizvodstva")