ФГУП “НТЦ оборонного комплекса “Компас”


SCIENTIFIC AND INFORMATION EDITIONS OF FSUE “The Scientific and Technical Center of the Defense Complex “Kompas” The interindustry scientific and technical journal
("Konstrukcii iz kompozicionnyh materialov")

  • Received scientific articles pass through the institution of peer review. Forms review articles:

    - Internal (reviewing manuscripts to become a member of the Editorial Board);

    - External (author presents a review to the editor of his article from leading experts in the relevant branches of science, scanned in the color mode).

    Chief Editor determines that the profile of the journal article, the requirements for registration and send it to the internal review expert, having the closest to the topic scientific specialization. Terms of the review in each case are determined by the creation of conditions for the most rapid publication of the article.

    The review should be dealt with the following issues:

    - Whether the content of the article stated in the title of the topic;

    - As far as article corresponds to modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought;

    - Are the readers of the article on which it is designed, in terms of language, style and arrangement of the material, clarity, tables, charts, pictures, etc .;

    - Is it appropriate to publish an article based on previously issued on the subject of literature;

    - What exactly are the positive aspects and disadvantages article which corrections and additions need to be made by the author;

    A conclusion about the possibility of the publication of this manuscript in the journal "recommended," "recommended in view of correcting the shortcomings noted by the reviewer" or "not recommended."

    In case of deviation from the publication of the article the author directs the editorial reasoned refusal.


    The interindustry scientific and technical journal
    ("Konstrukcii iz kompozicionnyh materialov")