ФГУП “НТЦ оборонного комплекса “Компас”


SCIENTIFIC AND INFORMATION EDITIONS OF FSUE “The Scientific and Technical Center of the Defense Complex “Kompas” The interindustry scientific and technical journal
("Konstrukcii iz kompozicionnyh materialov")

  • 1. By submitting the manuscript to the journal, the authors convey the editorial board, the founder and publisher of the journal free of non-exclusive right to publish it in Russian in an article in the printed version of the journal, in the electronic version of the journal on the Internet and on CDs, as well as translated into English and published an article in the English version of the journal. The author shall retain their intellectual property rights to the manuscript (including "copyright"). In this context and in view of the Fourth (Section VII) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the authors must be submitted a letter to the editor in the following form:

    Licensing agreement on the transfer of rights to publish

    (Publishing license agreement)

    We, the undersigned, the authors of the manuscript ………………………………………………….,

    provide the editorial board, the founder and publisher of the journal of the FSUE "VIMI"


    (name of the edition)

    Grant the simple (non-exclusive) license to publish this manuscript in both print and electronic versions of the journal, including in its English version.

    We affirm that this publication does not violate the intellectual property rights of other persons or organizations.

    Byline: …………………………………………… (Full name, academic degree, home address, date)



    The article should be signed by all authors. In the case of several authors the surname of the author responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.

    2. The manuscript to the editor seems necessarily in Russian.

    3. Scientific papers received by the Editorial Office, after their registration submitted to the editorial board of the editor in chief or his deputy.

    Each article is reviewed in accordance with the decision of the editorial board. Reviewers are chosen from among researchers and experts competent in the matters dealt with in the article and have their own publications in this area. Reviewers are required to confirm in writing the relevance, originality and scientific accuracy of materials of articles submitted for publication.

    Forms peer review articles:

    - Internal (reviewing manuscripts to become a member of the Editorial Board);

    - External (author presents a review to the editor of his paper from leading experts in the relevant branches of science, scanned in the color mode).

    The peer review should be dealt with the following issues:

    - Whether the content of the article stated in the title of the topic;

    - As far as article corresponds to modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought;

    - Are the readers of the article on which it is designed, in terms of language, style and arrangement of the material, clarity, tables, charts, pictures, etc .;

    - Is it appropriate to publish an article based on previously issued on the subject of literature;

    - What exactly are the positive aspects and disadvantages article which corrections and additions need to be made by the author;

    - A conclusion about the possibility of the publication of this manuscript in the journal "recommended," "recommended in view of correcting the shortcomings noted by the reviewer" or "not recommended."

    Peer reviews are always sent to the authors of the editorial board of the manuscript, and, if necessary, rework the article based on the comments of reviewers provides additional reviewing its amended version.

    In case of deviation from the publication of the article the author directs the editorial reasoned refusal.

    The decision to order the publication of the article is taken into account the views of the editorial board to reviewers. In case of disagreement among members of the editorial board makes the final decision the chief editor.

    Reviews and articles of other materials stored in the editorial and publishing at least 5 years, and their copies can be presented in structural units of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to the editor of the corresponding request.

    4. Any submitted manuscript must be accompanied by an expert opinion on the possibility of publication in the press, furnished in the prescribed manner. Instead, expert opinion can be represented by the corresponding application to the chief editor of the magazine on behalf of the organization where the authors work, or directly on behalf of amateur authors. In the expert report or statement on a mandatory basis should reflect the possibility of open publication and transmission of materials published abroad. The article, which is the result of work carried out in the organization (institution) in its task, must necessarily have a direction of the organization (or the parent company, with the participation of several organizations in this work).

    5. The main text of the article should begin the "Introduction" with a clear statement of goals and objectives of the work, followed by the arguments in favor of its performance against the backdrop of the current state of the problem raised in the article. A further article must also have meaningful subject heading (sections and subsections). Finishes article should be a separate section "Conclusion", listing the main results, the following conclusions from them and, where possible, proposals on the development and use of research results.

    6. The volume of articles (no pictures) should not exceed 10 A4 pages at 1.5 line spacing, and volume article survey character - no more than 25 pages. Material articles submitted in hard copy (paper), in duplicate, and in an identical electronic version on CD / DVD-ROM with text in Word 2003 (a separate file from the drawings). Floppy disks are not accepted. Avoid bringing the text too detailed and cumbersome mathematical transformations and expressions. Making the following article:

    • Article begins with the UDC;

    • title of the article is typed in lower case letters (except for the initial capital) in bold, font size 14, for the rest of the text using a simple font size 12, and the recommended typeface - Times New Roman;

    • After the name - a list of authors (initials of the authors precede their last names), title, name of the organization;

    • Retreat with 2 lines are abstract of the article (no more than 7 lines);

    • Below the main text annotations to specify key words (no more than ten);

    • Numbered pages of text without omissions and additions lettered signs (type 1a, 2b, and so on. F.), And in the continuous numbering should include all elements of the article, in addition to drawings and signatures on them;

    • After the main text - a list of sources used under the name of "Literature";

    • The end of the article title, initials and surnames of the authors, company, postal address, city, country, e-mail, abstract, keywords (keywords) are repeated in English;

    • Below the full name and surname of the author, title, phone number and e-mail for communication.

    7. List of references should be presented in accordance with the requirements established by the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) ​​based on the existing GOST 7.0.5-2008. Reference in the text of the sources used in square brackets, eg, [1-3], [7, 8]. References to formula, figures and tables are made with parentheses, for example, the formula (3), equation (1) (Fig. 2) (Table. 7).

    Examples of references:

    Книга: Гроднев И. И. Оптоэлектронные системы передачи информации. — М.: Знание, 1991.
    Статьи из журналов: Дмитриев А. Г., Царенков Б. В.// ПТЭ. 1972. № 1. С. 208.
    Lang D. V.// J. Appl. Phys. 1974. V. 45. No. 7. P. 3023.

    8. The number of drawings and photographs for the model clause shall not exceed 5 for a review article - no more than 10. If a pattern contains two, three or more graphics options (or photo) images such as "Fig. 2a "" Fig. 2b ", etc., then every single option in this case is counted as a separate drawing. If you exceed the above limits on the number of pictures (photos) Article authors returned for recycling. Graphics (only black and white!) Submitted in duplicate on separate sheets. On the back of each figure must be put down in pencil his number, the names of the first authors of the article and the opening words of the title. At the same time you must submit an electronic version of the drawings on CD / DVD-ROM in one of the formats * .gif, *. jpg, * .png, * .bmp as a separate file for each drawing.

    9. Signatures under figures should be presented on a separate page in succession, ie. E. Separately from the drawings. Each signature must be concise as possible, but capacious content. Any signature indicates the physical (technical) character must be the same its verbal disclosure. All signatures are repeated in electronic form in a single file on the general acceptance of electronic media.

    10. The text of the article, as well as a preliminary layout drawings letter symbols in the formulas and notations produce. The simple formula to enter into text format used text editor, more complex formulas - using the Microsoft Equation formula editor or MathType. Symbols for non-vectorial physical (technical) values ​​only use Latin and Greek alphabets, and the text for the Greek letters and numbers use roman font for Latin letters - italics (italic), the vectors indicate the bold font (preferably !!) or an arrow above the symbol vector (italic). For the upper and lower indices of physical (technical) value Russian letters do not apply, and only use Arabic numerals, Latin or Greek letters, but if the index is typically lower, is a short (abbreviated) form of the Russian word-characteristics, it is permissible to use it Russian designation letters (italics), such as Uinp , Iout , vgr, etc. The dimension of physical quantities is indicated only in Russian and font.

    11. Tables to perform in accordance with the following requirements: the top line - the name of the data and dimension; the next line - the data itself.

    12. The formulas, tables and figures should have a separate numbered consecutively. If no additional specific formula (return) link in the text or in the singular it is, then it is not necessary numbering. The only table and figure are not numbered.

    13. Manuscripts and CD / DVD-discs edited will not be returned.

    14. The authors (or author) of each article after its publication in the next issue of the magazine are entitled to receive from the editors of the electronic version of the article in PDF (Editor Adobe Acrobat).

    15. Publication in the Journal of each article is accompanied by a footnote with the copyright mark ©, delivered to the author's name (names of authors) and the year of publication. At the beginning of the article also indicates the date of receipt of the article to the editor.

    16. The decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry magazine is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, which should be published basic scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences.

    Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the denial of publication.

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    The interindustry scientific and technical journal
    ("Konstrukcii iz kompozicionnyh materialov")