ФГУП “НТЦ оборонного комплекса “Компас”


SCIENTIFIC AND INFORMATION EDITIONS OF FSUE “The Scientific and Technical Center of the Defense Complex “Kompas” The interindustry scientific and technical journal
("Konstrukcii iz kompozicionnyh materialov")

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    The chief editor of the interindustry scientific and technical journal 

    “Composite materials constructions” - 

    General Director – General Designer

    of the OAO “Academician V.P. Makeyev State Rocket Centre”

    Vladimir G. Degtyar

    Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), Аcademician of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences.

    Vladimir G. Degtyar is a scientist, designer and expert in the development of sea-based complexes with submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) and SLBM- converted launch vehicles (LV) for launching spacecraft.

    Born in September 13, 1948 in Orenburg region, Russia. Since 1972, after graduation from the Chelyabinsk Technical Institute, has been working at the Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering (now – OAO “Academician V.P.Makeyev State Rocket Centre”) in Miass, Chelyabinsk region: engineer, designer, senior engineer, Head of Section, Assistant Head of Department, Deputy Chief Designer for development and debugging of missile complexes, ground equipment systems, launchers and submarine-borne prelaunch preparation systems, Deputy General Designer for development of missile complexes, control system complexes, tests and operations, First Deputy General Designer, since 1998 – General Director and General Designer of the enterprise .

    Vladimir G. Degtyar participated in the development and debugging of strategic submarine-based missile complexes of the 2-nd and 3-rd generations carrying the R-27U, R-29, R-29Р, R-39-variant, R-29RM missiles and eleven modifications. He offered techniques to improve the performance and operational characteristics of the complexes. In 1987, under his guidance, launches of two missiles were prepared and made from the North Pole. In 1989-1998 he managed the development, experimental and flight trials of the complex with the R-39-variant missile from a submerged water-borne test stand. The activities were carried to ground tests with representatives of the Navy.

    Vladimir G. Degtyar has made an important contribution to the development of scientific trends of applied hydrodynamics and motion dynamics for underwater-launched missiles, development of methods of analysis and design of composite structures for missiles. He offered a methodology of design and experimental development of SLBM launch systems on the basis of which the designs were introduced that made it possible to achieve quite new performances of SLBM and significantly increase their efficiency. Under his guidance and with his participation efficient resource-saving programs of full-scale tests of missile complexes andmethods of application of decommissioned missiles for launching spacecraft were developed and introduced. Thus, in 1998 for the first time in the world German artificial Earth satellites «Tubsat-N» and «Tubsat-N1» were orbited by the R-29RМ-converted “Shtil” launch vehicle launched from a submerged submarine. In May, 2006 the “Shtil” launch vehicle was successfully launched and orbited the “Kompas-2” small space platform into a near-earth orbit. The “Kompas-2” was designed for investigation of Earth's magnetic fields and forecasting earthquakes.

    Vladimir G. Degtyar makes a significant contribution to handling the problems facing OAO “Makeyev GRTs”, cooperating enterprises and organizations on further development and updating of sea-based strategic nuclear forces. During V.Degtyar’s leadership a number of new problems connected with improvement and updating of the existing missile complexes have been solved to maintain the strategic balance. In 2002 there was commissioned a complex with the R-29RMU1 missile equipped with an advanced warhead of enhanced safety, in 2006, the R-29RКU-02 missile complex. In 2007 the “Sineva” missile complex was put into service by the Navy to equip the 667BDRM strategic submarine cruiser. The “Sineva” ballistic missile is equipped with a control system that was designed on a new element base and has a number of new properties meeting the operational requirements of the Navy.The missile complex will be the basis of sea-based strategic nuclear forces till 2025 and later.

    Under the supervision of Vladimir G. Degtyar a number of new space-rocket scientific and applied projects are implemented and commercial products are designed and manufactured.

    Vladimir G. Degtyar carries on vigorous research activity, he is at the head of the domestic school of sea-based missile engineering founded by academician Victor P. Makeyev, author of 5 monographs, 80 articles, more than 400 scientific-and-technical reports, 25 inventions and patents. He is a vice-chairman of the Research Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for composite structure mechanics, a member of Presidium of the Ural Division of RAN, the chief editor of scientific and technical journal “Composite materials constructions” and inter-branch scientific and technical collected works “Space-rocket technology, XIV series. Analysis, experimental studies and design of underwater- launch ballistic missiles”.

    Vladimir G. Degtyar makes much of educational activities, he is the chairman of the Department of flight vehicles and automatic units at the South-Ural State University (YuRGU), the head of the doctoral dissertation council at YuRGU.

    Vladimir G. Degtyar is a Member of Legislative Assembly of Chelyabinsk region of the fourth convocation. He is a laureate of the RF and Lenin Komsomol State Prizes, decorated with the Order of the Badge of Honour, medals of the USSR and Russian Federation, Badge of Tsiolkovski and Badge of Korolyov of the Federal Space Agency, other awards. He is an Honorary Citizen of Miass.



    The interindustry scientific and technical journal
    ("Konstrukcii iz kompozicionnyh materialov")